Don?t Let the Internet Design Your Project
For some people, when I post process sketches, I make their head explode. What I clearly need is for the Internet to save me from myself and the horrible job I will probably inflict on my clients.
017: Quitting Your Job
It happens to almost all of us eventually, and for pretty much everybody, the experience ranges from unpleasant to downright panic-inducing ? so get your moving box ready because ?Quitting Your Job? is today?s topic, something that I, unfortunately,...
Turn Up the Music in Studio ? Dec?18 Mix
Architecture and Music ... they go together extremely well as music frequently fuels the creative process and there are few things I enjoy more than turning on some music and jamming out in the studio.
011: An Architect?s Salary
So how much money do architects make" They\'re all rich, right" Well, that\'s the topic today and we are going to take a look at how best to answer that question.
The Bauhaus and Me
I am heading out to Weimar for the next 7 days to take part in the celebration of the 99th anniversary of the Bauhaus movement.
Architectural T-Shirts
There are currently 58 “draft” articles on my site – some are fairly recent and some go back years. There are any number of reasons why I hadn’t finish writing a particular post: Lost interest in the topic I found it boring...
010: What Makes You a Designer
There are many things I do during a typical day ? designing ?stuff? is just one very small portion ? but I still consider myself a designer more so than a project architect. Since I work at a smallish firm, everyone wears many hats and nobody has...
Just Draw it Up
There is a request that I receive a few times a week that I thought I would finally talk about in an effort to shed some light on a fairly taboo subject. Those requests typically start off something like this: “I have already designed my house...
009: The ?Low Cost Modern House?
With their clarity often confused with simplicity, modern houses require a far greater attention to execution and as a result, seem to surprise everyone with how expensive modern houses actually cost.
008: Top Ten Reasons to be an Architect
If you are interested in becoming an architect, what are the best reasons to pursue your dream" The field of architecture can be extremely rewarding and today we discuss a few of the reasons why.
007: A Survivor?s Guide to Architecture School
Fall is just around the corner and that means it\'s time for students around the country to return to their desk at architecture school. For most, this time is a mixture of excitement and enthusiasm while for others, it\'s a mixture of anxiety...
Turn Up the Music in Studio
Architecture and Music ... they go together extremely well as music frequently fuels the creative process and there are few things I enjoy more than turning on some music and jamming out in the studio.
006: Inside an Architect?s Office
Architectural offices do a lot more than simply provide a space in which the occupants do their job ... they represent the culture of the office and provide a context in which people imagine what they are capable of doing.
Watch Your Mouth
It\'s always good advice to be mindful of the things you say to other people ... but you should really be careful about the things you write because just like recordings, they can live on forever.
Architects and Chefs ? Episode 0005
In this fifth episode of the Life of an Architect podcast, Landon and I take on the topic of Architects and cooking and how those two things come together in a way that could be unique.
Please Don?t Mess Up My Cabin
It doesn’t happen very often these days but I had a first … I had an extended stay in one of my projects after the client had taken possession. It was both weird, and not weird, all at the same time. I am talking about the BSB cabin...
Episode 0004 ? Architects and Traveling
Architects like to travel, at least that’s what all my friends who are architects would like you to believe. While I will agree that this is a true statement, I think it’s a fairly generic statement because don’t all people like to...
The Competitive Bid Process
I can tell you with absolute clarity, that when you find yourself, either as an architect, or a client, being in a position to select your contractor not based on cost but on a host of other considerations, you drink a few beers when making that...
Sketching ? Episode 0003
Sketching is a hot topic regardless of the people having the discussion, but I have learned over the last nine years of writing this site that sketching is one of the more hotly contested topics. While few architects would dispute the value in...
Inspiration and Inadequacy ? All at Once
It is Sunday night and I find myself sitting in my usual location preparing to write the next post on Life of an Architect … except I am experiencing a problem that is making this particular post difficult to write. It’s not that I...
The College Years ? Episode 0002
In this second episode of the Life of an Architect podcast, we turn our attention towards the college years. I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 1992, while Landon received his diploma from Virginia Tech in 2016 … so how has...
Episode 0001 ? Character Development
Life of an Architect has finally entered the podcasting world! In the first episode, Bob Borson and Landon Williams discuss why they decided to start a podcast, their objectives for the podcast, as well as possible future topics.
Life of an Architect ? The Inevitable has Arrived
The inevitable has arrived. I am officially bored with blogging, and it only took 8 years, 5 months, 8 days, and 854 blog posts to get here. I can still easily remember the thrill I used to experience when it came time to write a new post …...
Conference Calls are Killing Me
Conference calls are killing me - they are time-wasting black-holes of people not doing what they were supposed to do when they were supposed to do it.